Showing all 4 results

  • CactiEpithelantha

    Epithelantha Gregii

    Epithelantha gregii is a tiny, globose or subglobose cactus. It typically grows to be only a few centimeters in diameter.

    Plant photographed in 6x6cm pot.

    Will be sent bare root.

    Price per 1 plant.

  • CactiEpithelantha

    Epithelantha Micormeris

    Epithelantha micromeris is a button cactus in the genus Epithelantha, found in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northeast Mexico. It is characterized by its white-grey spines growing on a globular shaped stem.

    Photographed 10x10cm pot, plant will be sent bare root.

    Price per 1 plant.




  • CactiEpithelantha

    Epithelantha Micromeris v. Neomexicana

    It is a miniature globose cactus, erect, unbranched or in small clumps, not deep-seated in substrate, appearing ashy grey and relatively rough in general aspect. It flowers during the day, bearing small pink flowers that come from the apex of the plant.

    Photographed in 5x5cm pot, plant will be sent bare root.



  • CactiEpithelantha

    Epithelantha Unguispina

    Epithelantha unguispina is a small, globular cactus that typically grows up to 3 cm in height and 2.5 cm in diameter. It often forms small clusters or clumps as it matures.

    Photographed 10x10cm pot, plant will be sent bare root.

    Price per 1 plant.