Showing 121–122 of 122 results

  • Sale!

    Astrophytum Ornatum

    Astrophytum ornatum typically has a globular or flattened spherical shape with distinct ribs that can be vertical or slightly spiraled. The most notable feature of this cactus species is its striking markings. It has white or pale yellow flecks, dots, or lines on its green to bluish-green body, creating a visually appealing contrast.

    Photographed in 10x10cm pot, plant will be sent …

  • CactiAstrophytum

    Astrophytum Ornatum Dichotomous

    Astrophytum ornatum typically has a globular or flattened spherical shape with distinct ribs that can be vertical or slightly spiraled. The most notable feature of this cactus species is its striking markings. It has white or pale yellow flecks, dots, or lines on its green to bluish-green body, creating a visually appealing contrast.

    Photographed in 15x15cm pot, plant will be sent …