Showing all 3 results

  • SucculentsStapelia

    Duvalia Caespitosa

    Duvalia caespitosa is a Stapelia-like plant with characteristic star shaped flowers with five fleshy, narrow ‘petals’. 

    Photographed in 7×7 cm pot

    Plant will be sent bare root.


  • SucculentsStapelia

    Stapelia Variegata

    Stapelia variegata is a species of succulent plant in the Apocynaceae family, native to southern Africa. It is commonly known as the “Carrion plant” or “Starfish flower” due to its distinctive appearance and foul-smelling flowers.

    Photographed in 6×6 cm pot

    Plant will be sent bare root.


  • AdromischusAgave

    Succulent Mix

    Variety of succulents that will be shipped at random. All the succulents are in at least 5.5cm pot and some of them are ready to be repotted in larger pots!