Showing all 10 results

  • SucculentsAgave

    Agave Americana Variegata

    Agave americana ‘Variegata’, or variegated century plant, is a large, striking succulent known for its rosette of stiff, sword-shaped leaves with creamy-yellow to white margins. It grows up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall and 3 meters (10 feet) wide. The leaves have sharp spines along the edges and a prominent terminal spine. This plant thrives in full sun, well-draining …

  • Agave

    Agave Angustifolia v Marginata Variegated

    Agave angustifolia var. marginata, also known as Caribbean Agave, is a fast growing agave with striking variegated foliage.

    Photographed in 6x6cm pot

    Plant will be sent bare root.


  • Agave

    Agave Colorata

    Agave colorata is a species of agave native to Mexico, specifically found in the states of Sonora and Sinaloa. It is commonly known as the “Mescal Ceniza” or “White Mescal” in English.This agave species is characterized by its striking appearance and large size. It typically forms solitary rosettes with broad, fleshy, blue-gray leaves that have pronounced teeth along the margins. …

  • AgaveSucculents

    Agave Desmentiana cv. Joe Hoak

    Spectacular Agave cultivar that forms beautiful large rosette. Place it in full sun to part shade and water regularly to occasionally, if this plant gets more water and fertiliser it grows at a much faster pace.

    Photographed in 7x7cm pot.


  • SucculentsAgave

    Agave Lechuguilla

    Agave Lechuguilla is an Agave species found only in the Chihuahuan Desert. The plant reproduces most often through underground offshoots, creating large colonies.

    Plant will be sent bare rooted.

    Photographed in 10cm pot


  • SucculentsAgave

    Agave Poselgeri

    Agave poselgeri is characterized by its striking rosette of narrow, elongated leaves that form a dense cluster. The leaves are typically blue-green in color and have distinctive pale markings along the margins  Each leaf ends in a sharp terminal spine.

    Photographed in 5x5cm pot.


  • Agave

    Agave temacapulinensis

    Agave temacapulinensis is a species of agave plant native to Mexico that has been named in 2012. It belongs to the family Asparagaceae and is primarily found in the state of Jalisco, particularly in the area around the town of Temacapulín, from which it takes its name.

    Photographed in 6x6cm pot

    Plant will be sent bare root.


  • SucculentsAgave

    Agave Victoriae-Reginae

    Agave victoriae-reginae, commonly known as the Queen Victoria Agave or Royal Agave, is a stunning succulent prized for its striking appearance and architectural form. It is native to northeastern Mexico.This agave species is renowned for its compact, symmetrical rosette of thick, triangular leaves with distinctive white markings. Each leaf is adorned with rows of small, triangular teeth along the margins …

  • SucculentsAgave

    Agave Victoriae-Reginae

    Agave victoriae-reginae, commonly known as the Queen Victoria Agave or Royal Agave, is a stunning succulent prized for its striking appearance and architectural form. It is native to northeastern Mexico.This agave species is renowned for its compact, symmetrical rosette of thick, triangular leaves with distinctive white markings. Each leaf is adorned with rows of small, triangular teeth along the margins …

  • AdromischusSucculents

    Succulent Mix

    Variety of succulents that will be shipped at random. All the succulents are in at least 5.5cm pot and some of them are ready to be repotted in larger pots!